Sunday, December 10, 2023

CISLL Presents: A Language and Literacy Podcast Featuring Jennifer Krizman

CISLL is excited to share its first installment of our new podcast: CISLL Presents: A Language and Literacy Podcast. Our first guest: Jennifer Krizman! Dr. Krizman is joined by co-hosts Emma Apicella and Milijana Buac. 

Milijana Buac is an assistant professor at Northern Illinois University. Her research interests include typical and atypical bilingual language development with a focus on environmental factors, cognitive development in bilingual children with and without developmental disabilities, and evidence based, bias-free, assessment and intervention approaches for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

Jennifer Krizman is a research associate professor at Northwestern University. She studies how biology and experience influence the auditory, cognitive, and linguistic processes listeners engage to understand speech in everyday settings. To study this, she uses the frequency-following response, an objective electrophysiological measure of auditory processing, together with behavioral assessments of executive, language and listening abilities. Her work focuses on how language experience, such as the number of languages a person speaks, influences speech understanding. The aim of her research is to improve human communication.

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